
St. Andrew's In-Person Worship!

St. Andrew's has in-person worship on Sunday mornings at 10 am and recommends the congregation take appropriate safety measures as needed for their continued health and safety. If you are sick or in a vulnerable population please consider staying home and participating in our live stream. See below for further guidelines.

Sunday Morning Worship Livestream on Facebook Live

12 pm Noon Imposition of Ashes and Eucharist

Please join us for our in-person Ash Wednesday service which will be held in the Psalm 19 Ministry Center, 6138 S. Salina St. where our Sunday services are held. The service will also be live streamed via Zoom and Facebook. We will be doing the Imposition of Ashes using a clean Q-tip for each person.

NOTE: For those who will be watching the live stream and wish to receive ashes, Q-tips with ashes will be available for pick-up on Sunday, February 14th after the worship service. If needed, these could be delivered to you. Please contact Fr. Steve if you plan to pick them up or need a delivery. 315-569-0385 or [email protected]

The liturgy for the Imposition of Ashes and Eucharist service can be downloaded HERE. The Great Litany is at the end of the document.

7 pm Ash Wednesday Evening Prayer

Join Fr. Steve for an Evening Prayer service with the Great Litany. The service will be from the BCP 2011 and will be displayed on the screen for easy participation.

The liturgy for the Ash Wednesday Evening Prayer service can be downloaded HERE - scroll down for the beginning of the Evening Prayer service. The Great Litany is at the end of the document.

Worship Schedule
10 am Sundays

For those worshiping in-person offer the following guidelines and notes:

SICK. If you are sick or in a vulnerable population please consider staying home and participating in our live stream.

MASKS AND HAND SANITIZER will be available for those who need them. We encourage you to protect yourself and others as you feel necessary.

CLEAN. Thank you to Rev. Iris Godfrey and the Psalm 19 team for keeping the ministry center santized.

SEATING. Chairs are arranged for social distancing for those who need to do so. They can be easily rearranged as needed.

COMMUNION. We will have communion in one kind with no common cup.

SINGING. We will be singing with Joe Godfrey leading in music as ususal.

BULLETIN. There will not be a bulletin or liturgical guide. All of the liturgy will be is projected on the digital display.

ATTENTION: If you are not comfortable being in a mixed group of people who are masked and not, please consider staying home and participating online. We implore you to not sit in judgement of those who mask and those who do not. There are a host of sincere reasons why people make the choices they do. 

OFFERING. We encourage you to continue to donate via PayPal and to mail your offerings. There will be an offering plate available but it will not be passed.

Morning Prayer

10 am Thursday Mornings via Zoom

St. Andrew's Morning Prayer

St. Andrew's is committed to being a "House of Prayer for all peoples" (Isaiah 56:7). Join this faithful group who is committed to praying for the church, our community, those in need, the lost and for God to be glorified. We use the Book of Common Prayer and share lunch together following prayer.

Special Invitation: If your prayer life is not what you want it to be or you are a beginning pray-er, please come and be inspired and trained to pray. This time of prayer will be good for your soul.

Come to
St. Andrew's!

Visit our Sunday page for more about Sunday services St. Andrew's.

Click here for a MAP!

SUNDAY WORSHIP LOCATION: Enter the door that says "Psalm 19" at 6138 S. Salina St.

Psalm 19 Door

St. Andrew's Social Media

St. Andrew's Facebook

St. Andrew's Twitter

St. Andrew's Instagram

Online Donations

St. Andrew's QR Code
QR Code. PayPal.

Donate to St. Andrew's securely online through PayPal. Use your smart phone or tablet camera and take a photo of this QR code and it should take you to PayPal where you can make a donation, or follow this link:

Food Giveaway

Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021

Food Bank of CNY

The Mobile Food Pantry from the Food Bank of Central New York and at St. Andrew's Anglican Church partner together to serve Nedrow and the immediate vacinity. The boxes of food have produce, dairy products and other food items. Watch our Facebook page and this site for the next date.

St. Andrew's Garage Sale

Follow us on Facebook for more info.

St. Andrew's Garage Sale

St. Andrew's Garage Sale has closed for the season. St. Andrew's Garage Sale Facebook page.

Missional Christians

Missional Christians Wanted!

Anglican Mission NY

St. Andrew's was established in 1902 as a church plant. Now over 100 years later, we are praying about planting new churches in Central NY, the Mohawk Valley, Northern NY and elsewhere in upstate NY.

Our Mission

Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”